Creamy Pesto
You may have noticed how much I love easy and simple recipes that take 2 seconds and only require a minimum amount of ingredients. There’s a reason, I don’t like to complicate things when they don’t need to be complicated. I think you can make anything taste just as good as a Michelin star restaurant without all the time and miniscule details that really are just there to make something that can be so simple fancier. Don’t get me wrong I used to really want to go to culinary school until I realized I make food that is just as good to me as any other pro chef so might as well just skip on the culinary school and learn through my own trials and errors.
Pesto is one of those condiments that people will make more complicated than it needs to be. I love me some good amount pesto on EVERYTHING. I think there’s something magical about the way pesto can literally be added to anything and still tastes good… a pesto cake anyone? I think that would be freaking delicious! (I think I need to make that!)
I never buy store bought pesto for two reasons, 1) I don’t eat garlic and 2) It’s not something that crosses my mind, so I made my own.
My pesto is just as creamy, cheaper and just as flavorful!
Pesto on toast
1/2 avocado (other options for those allergic to avocado would be 3 TBS of pumpkin or hemp seeds or 1/4 cup walnuts)
1/2 lemon squeeze
1 TBS Apple Cider Vinegar
Handful of fresh basil
2 TBS water
Salt and pepper to taste
*Optional: 2 TBS nutritional yeast
To make:
Throw everything in a blender and blend till smooth and creamy. Adjust amount of water to your preference of thickness.
All that’s left is to throw on top or mix it into anything you make and enjoy!
Pesto on Pasta
Pesto lasagna